You need to have root access to your current virtual machine for this procedure to work properly.
1. Login to your current Cloud provider.
2. Clear any deleted data on the partition, to reduce the compression size of the backup.
# sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=0bits bs=20M; rm 0bits
3. Byte copy the root disk and compressing with gzip, and then transferring to your local machine ( Where you have access to Mijndomein Cloud or command line.# sudo dd if=/dev/vda | gzip -1 - | ssh username@ sudo dd of=/home/username/rootfs.image.gz
To find out what disk to use you can use lsblk
vda 254:0 0 75G 0 disk
└─vda1 254:1 0 75G 0 part /
in the above example 'VDA' is the disk to select, not vda1.
4. Extract the gzip image
# gunzip /home/username/rootfs.image.gz
5. Convert the image to a the qcow2 disk format with the 'qemu-img' utility.
# qemu-img convert -O qcow2 /home/username/rootfs.image /home/username/My-VPS.qcow2
6. Now the qcow2 image can be uploaded through your MijndomeinCloud dashboard.
7. Goto compute-->images-->create image , then browse the qcow2 image and select qcow2 format.
8. Now you can launch new instance with this image from our dashboard!
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